Ella Müller
Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung Postadresse: Historisches Seminar der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Rempartstr. 15 - KG IV D-79085 Freiburg Fax: 0761 203 3504 | ||||||||
CVVon Oktober 2018 bis Oktober 2019 für ein Forschungsjahr in Washington, D.C. Im Sommersemester 2018 Wissenschaftliche Assistentin am Lehrstuhl für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte der Universität Freiburg bei Prof. Dr. Ulrich Herbert (Elternzeitvertretung). Im Wintersemester 2017/18 in Elternzeit. Von Oktober 2014 bis Sept. 2017 wurde das Projekt durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft gefördert (Einzelförderung/HE 1579/51-1). Von Februar bis Mai 2014 Stipendiatin am Deutschen Historischen Institut in Washington. Von Oktober 2013 bis September 2017 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte der Universität Freiburg. 2012 Magisterexamen an der Universität Freiburg. Thema der Abschlussarbeit: „Die Neue Rechte in den USA. Die politische Formierung des konservativen Amerika im Kampf gegen gay rights und die Gleichstellung von Mann und Frau, 1964-1980.“ Studium der Neueren und Neuesten Geschichte, der Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte und der Volkswirtschaftslehre an den Universitäten Freiburg und Göteborg (Schweden). Geboren 1986 in Vorwerk, aufgewachsen in Hamburg. | ||||||||
MitgliedschaftenSeit 2018 Mitglied in der Grünen Akademie der Heinrich Böll Stiftung. | ||||||||
ForschungAnti-Environmentalism. Widerstände gegen Umweltschutz in den USA von 1969 bis in die frühen 1990er Jahre English version: "Anti-Environmentalism". Opposition to environmental policy from 1969 to the early 1990s. On January 1, 1970, President Richard Nixon signed the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) into law. The NEPA was a manifestation of a broad consensus about the need for environmental protection through the federal government at the beginning of the 1970s. And as polling showed this consensus reached far beyond government officials and was embraced by large parts of the American public. Despite all this it wouldn’t take long until protests around the country emerged, which criticized specific environmental measures or even environmental policy in its entirety and opposed them on different levels. This new political force was often called “Anti-Environmentalism”. It did, indeed, gather all those who disapproved of environmentalism and whose attitudes towards the environmental movement and its claims ranged from skepticism to outright rejection. The rise of anti-environmentalists, has largely been overlooked by previous scholarship. In my project, however, I understand protests against environmental policies as a crucial part of an ongoing negotiation process in American society about the right amount and the adequate forms of environmental protection. Firstly, I examine the early (and highly unsuccessful) opposition against the passage of NEPA in the U.S. Congress and the reasons for the absence of an influential opposition. The second focal point is the controversy about nuclear power in the 1970s, in particular the protests started in California by so-called pro-nuclear-energy grassroots activists. The third case study explores the perspective of “anti-environmentalists” in one of the most hotly contested issues in the history of US environmentalism: the conflict about the protection of the Northern Spotted Owl in Northwest America. And finally, the project analyzes the establishment of the so-called Wise Use Movement, a well-organized network of politicians, journalists, and businesses that fought environmental measures on every level and institutionalized “Anti-Environmentalism” in the United States towards the end of the 1980s. These case studies will allow combining a close-up examination of focal aspects with a more comprehensive perspective. The project will thereby shed light on the formation of this complex movement and the different dynamics that effected its development in very specific historical contexts. | ||||||||
LehrveranstaltungenProseminar: The Age of Reagan. Die USA in den 1980er Jahren | ||||||||
Konferenzen und WorkshopsNovember 2015 - Mitorganisatorin, Ecology and Economy. On the History of a Relationship / Ökologie und Ökonomie. Geschichte einer Beziehung, Universität Freiburg. | ||||||||
PublikationenRezension von: Frank Uekötter: Deutschland in Grün. Eine zwiespältige Erfolgsgeschichte, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2015, in: sehepunkte 16 (2016), Nr. 4 [15.04.2016].Tagungsbericht: Ökologie und Ökonomie. Zur Geschichte einer Beziehung, 13.11.2015 – 14.11.2015 Freiburg, in: H-Soz-Kult, 06.02.2016. Eine grüne Ideengeschichte der Ökologie, in: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (Hg.): Die Grüne Erzählung 2018. Grüne Ideengeschichte, Sept. 2018.
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VorträgeJuli 2016 - Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam (DoktorandInnen-Kolloquium) | ||||||||