Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge



Forschungsgruppe Zeitgeschichte
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Herbert

Historisches Seminar
D-79098 Freiburg

Tel.: +49 (0)761-203-3439

Erbprinzenstraße 13
79098 Freiburg


Dr. Orna Keren-Carmel



Raum: Erbprinzenstraße 13, 1. Stock, Raum 08

Tel.: +49 (0)761-203-4874

Historisches Seminar der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität
Rempartstraße 15 - KG IV
D-79085 Freiburg




2003 B.A. in Law and in General History (Magna cum Laude) at Tel Aviv University (Israel).

2006 M.A. in European Studies at Aarhus University (Denmark).

2016 PhD in History at Tel Aviv University (Israel).

2017/18 Post-Doc at Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, supervised by Prof. Ulrich Herbert.




Research fields

Holocaust memory in the Nordic Countries

Israeli Holocaust commemoration (with focus on Northern Europe)

Jewish/Israeli-Scandinavian relationship since the 1940s

History and Memory

Current project
Scandinavia and Israel – after the Holocaust

The research focuses on the relationship between the newly established Israeli state (1948) and the Scandinavian Countries, after the Holocaust and until the end of the 1950s. What role did recent Holocaust events play in the inter-states' relationships? Were diplomatic issues seen through 'Holocaust lenses'? How did rescue attempts of Jews affect the development of human and minority rights in these countries (f. ex. Count Folke Bernadotte, Raoul Wallenberg, the Danish and Norwegian Undergrounds, King of Denmark Christian X)? At the same time, the research examines whether the Scandinavian Countries treated Israel uniformly or developed an independent attitude towards the young state, each according to its emerging political interests. And Israel – did it look at the Scandinavian Countries as one entity, or did it have a separate relationship with each of them? This case study will enable a glimpse at the emergence, after the Second World War, of the concept of 'Norden' as a politically-culturally unified entity. 




Keren-Carmel O., "Like Lambs to the Rescue: the Survivors and the Rescue of Danish Jewry in the Holocaust". Holocaust Studies. Page: 1-18. Published online: 04 August 2016 (URL:

The article highlights the multiple links and influences between academic research, survivors' testimonies and the national culture of memory, emphasizing the significance of including survivors' testimonies within historical research on the Holocaust. The methodological integration between various oral, written, popular and archival sources confronts the historian with different (and sometimes contradicting) sources. The article reconsiders the overall existing representation of Denmark within Holocaust studies and commemoration.

Keren-Carmel O., "Another Piece in the Puzzle: Denmark, Nazi Germany and the Rescue of Danish Jewry" (accepted for publication in: Holocaust Studies, 2017).

This article is the corollary of an analysis of a collection of documents I found in the National Archives of Great Britain (Surrey, England). The article confirmed the common assumption in up-to-date research that the Danish rescue operation should be seen in a wider context of internal Danish political interests as well as part of Nazi Germany's foreign affairs in the autumn of 1943.  Moreover, it highlighted the role of Werner Best, Heinrich Himmler and other German officials in this extraordinary rescue. The article presents a complex yet nuanced interpretation of Holocaust events in Denmark during the Second World War.

Keren-Carmel O., "The Grey Truth: the Rescue of Danish Jewry in the Israeli Culture of Memory" (submitted to Zmanim, 2017).  

The article focuses on the changes that have occurred in the Israeli representation of the rescue of Danish Jewry in the Holocaust since 1943 and until nowadays. In the past, Israeli common commemoration of the event has emphasized the Danes as heroic people, Nazi Germans as the villains, and the Danish Jews as passive objects of rescue. This representation has been significantly altered along the years. All in all, the article concludes that identity-related components considerably influenced Israeli Holocaust memory in general and the commemoration of the rescue of Danish Jewry in particular.

Keren-Carmel O., Doctorate dissertation: "The Rescue of Danish Jewry in Israeli Historiography and Culture of Memory (1943-2013)". September 2016. The department of Jewish Studies, Tel Aviv University.

The purpose of the doctorate dissertation was to present a more complex understanding of the rescue of Danish Jewry in the Holocaust – in contrast, in many ways, to the common representation of the rescue in Israeli historiography and culture of memory. In this sense, the historical research in this study was closely linked to memory studies, concluding that the ability to grasp not only the actual events themselves but also why and how they are remembered post-factum, requires the historian to consider the relationship between his work and his environment, and imposes on him a burden to carefully use his professional skills to clarify and illuminate human society's behavior in the past as well as towards the future.
